Jane Green author photo.
Jane Green


Jane Green finally tired of her daily 100-mile round-trip commute to her federal government job as an expert on international issues and is now spending her days enjoying all that Annapolis and the surrounding area have to offer.  Jane was raised in Indiana, received a B.A. in political science from Indiana University, and came east to earn a master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.  She and her family moved to Annapolis in 1986.  Jane and her husband, Tom, have two children, both married, three grandchildren, two dogs, and two granddoodles.  Tom is the founder and president of DesignAmerica, an aerospace software development company.  As an avid genealogist, Jane discovered that she was not the first of her family to live in Anne Arundel County—that honor goes to a 7th great-grandfather.  
Local Faves:

Waterfront Living

Great restaurants and shops

Lots of history, art, and music

Masks 4 Annapolis: Making a Difference

Caption: Mary Parks bakes cookies for medical workers, Office of Emergency Management staff, and Annapolis firefighters in the Hilton Garden Inn’s kitchen. Photo courtesy of Hilton Garden Inn). The #Masks4Annapolis initiative is proof that the saying “one good deed leads to another” is more than…

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On the Mural Trail

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I think murals are worth several times more. At least that’s the case in Anne Arundel County, where murals are plentiful, yet each has its own meaning—often a pretty important one. In our county, murals tend to do one or more of the following:…

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Birds and the Bay

The term “birdwatcher” conjures up images of serious-looking people dressed in loose-fitting khakis with matching safari hats carrying pencils and clipboards with binoculars around their necks and speaking in low tones. I would like to be one of those people, but my impression is that they are early…

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Eastport Eats

Carrol's Creek Cafe. Photo courtesy of Bob Peterson. Coping with social distancing and the virus it’s intended to fight is having the silver lining of bringing the people in our community together in unusual ways that will continue to benefit us when the current crisis abates. If you live in…

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The Carroll Family and Carroll House: Perseverance and Power

The elegant Carroll House, its beautiful gardens, and its gorgeous setting make it hard to believe that three generations of its residents suffered religious persecution. Each generation was led by a Charles Carroll, and each added so significantly to the family’s fortune that the third Charles was…

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A Landlubber's Love of the Bay

In Terre Haute, Indiana, where I grew up, the Wabash River is the largest body of water nearby, and it used to be part of the town’s lifeblood and the inspiration for songs (“Oh, the moonlight’s fair tonight along the Wabash . . .”). Over the last 70 years, however, locals consider the…

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History While You Eat

People live in and visit Annapolis for many reasons, but most appreciate the town’s waterfront setting and that Annapolis predates the United States. Some know that many buildings in the downtown area are at least one or two centuries old. But how many people appreciate the history of the specific…

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Art in Unexpected Places

Annapolis’s Art District contains many galleries and outdoor murals, but art also abounds throughout the town and elsewhere in Anne Arundel County, often in unusual places. At BWI Airport, for example, you can explore one or more of the seven art galleries and historical displays in various…

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