Today I had the pleasure of spending some time at the Metropolitan Kitchen & Lounge on West Street, chatting with Danny and Sarah, the organizers of the Annapolis Bluegrass Jam that takes place there on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm. I love bluegrass music, how it seems to bring people together, and spark joy among all the people present.

Annapolis Bluegrass Jam

I can’t wait to take my family to one of these free bluegrass jams. People from all over the Mid-Atlantic are driving in for these events. The evenings are meant for families and all ages, and a full menu is offered at the Metropolitan. Not only will patrons and visitors hear amazing music, but they can also bring their own instruments and join in the fun. No experience necessary, just a willingness to try, engage and feel the music. The camaraderie takes care of the rest. As Sarah pointed out, bluegrass music is music really played by ear, so the jams can go in unique directions and are fun to hear. No two nights will be the same.

Annapolis Bluegrass Jam

When they first started out less than five months ago with the jam nights, they passed out little fliers on the street to get people in the door. Now 40 to 70 people, and sometimes more, show up to listen, play, and enjoy the festivities. Word of mouth has made the sessions a huge hit. During my conversation with Danny and Sarah, I had the chance to listen to them play and it was pure magic. It was easy to see the love they have for the music and for what they have put together for Annapolis. I look forward to more opportunities to see, hear, and participate in this celebration of bluegrass in our hometown.