A Quick History: Annapolis Sailing School

View of the Rainbow Dinghy Dock looking out onto the Chesapeake Bay. Photo courtesy of the author. Back in 1959, Annapolis resident and sailor, Jerry Wood was in the toy business. But, he realized there were no facilities available in the area for the rental of boats, he opened Annapolis Boat…

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6 Ways to Explore Annapolis this October

With the leaves changing colors and a crisp breeze blowing through Annapolis, it’s clear October has arrived. Though we’re all upset summer has ended, the coming of October doesn’t mean that things slow down here in Annapolis. From fall festivals and two of the world’s largest in-water boat shows to…

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Last Chance for Crabs: Take Home a Maryland Memory

Hundreds of sleek water craft and miles of wooden docks transform the Annapolis Harbor in the magic month of October – 5-9 for the U.S. Sailboat Show followed by a quick change for the U.S. Powerboat Show 12-15. The state capital of Maryland is also known as “Sailing Capital of the U.S.” and the…

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