Lifeline 100 Rides

There are countless manmade and natural sights to see in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, from historic colonial buildings and landmarks to the Chesapeake Bay’s diverse flora and fauna. There are also plenty of ways to see them, from formal walking tours and boat rides to scenic drives and…

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Take to the Trails During Great Outdoors Month

June means lots of things in Maryland, Anne Arundel County, and Annapolis: the arrival of the fresh crabs that make backyard crab feasts great, an uptick in the number of colonial-clad tour guides leading historic walking tours downtown, and plentiful views of vessels on the water, from sailboats…

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Discover Outdoor Annapolis in Winter

Annapolis is as much of a go-to place in winter as it is in the warmer seasons. Year-round residents especially love Annapolis in winter because parking is plentiful, lots of different types of birds migrate to the bay, and it’s easy to get a table at a favorite restaurant. This year…

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