Lifeline 100 Rides

There are countless manmade and natural sights to see in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, from historic colonial buildings and landmarks to the Chesapeake Bay’s diverse flora and fauna. There are also plenty of ways to see them, from formal walking tours and boat rides to scenic drives and…

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Top 15 Things to See and Do in Anne Arundel County

Anne Arundel County is a hidden gem that offers a delightful mix of history, nature, and recreational activities & attractions. Luckily, we have compiled a list of the top 15 places to visit in Anne Arundel County to inspire your next adventure. With its proximity to Baltimore and Washington D.C.…

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Take to the Trails During Great Outdoors Month

June means lots of things in Maryland, Anne Arundel County, and Annapolis: the arrival of the fresh crabs that make backyard crab feasts great, an uptick in the number of colonial-clad tour guides leading historic walking tours downtown, and plentiful views of vessels on the water, from sailboats…

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Exploring Bacon Ridge Trail

The Annapolis area is rich with natural resources and outdoor adventures. From bay to forest, I love the opportunities we have for fresh air right in our backyard. Due to COVID-19, Marylanders are mandated to avoid non-essential public spaces and keep our distance, but there are a few places where…

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