ANNAPOLIS, MARYLANDVisit Annapolis & Anne Arundel County (VAAAC) will be letting visitors and residents know just how much VAAAC appreciates them during the 36th annual National Travel and Tourism Week celebration May 5-11. VAAAC President and CEO Connie Del Signore says her organization will use this year’s national theme – “Travel Matters” – as an opportunity to thank visitors and tourism professionals for being the heart, soul and backbone of the travel industry.

VAAAC will be flying “Tourism Matters to You” flags along Main and West Streets throughout the week as a salute to all who help support local tourism. According to Del Signore, “Millions of individuals come to us each year. They could go anywhere, but they’ve made a conscious choice to visit Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, to make their memories here with us. National Travel and Tourism Week is the perfect time to give these faithful friends a big shout out, to let them know our destination couldn’t thrive without them.”

According to Tourism Economics’ Economic Impact of Tourism in Maryland report, nearly 7.3 million individuals visited Annapolis and Anne Arundel County in 2017. They spent more than $3.8 billion and helped to directly employ 21,850 individuals.

Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley said visitors are key contributors to the City’s economy. “Annapolis is a beautiful city that we are always willing to share with the world. We invite everyone to come and experience the diversity that the city offers, including access to the Chesapeake Bay, historic downtown and City Dock, the U.S. Naval Academy, plus hundreds of restaurants, shops and parks in all parts of the City,” he said. “Once someone experiences Annapolis like a local, it’s nearly impossible not to share that experience with friends and family. We want to thank them for loving Annapolis as much as we do.”

On Wednesday, May 8 Mayor Buckley plans to meet visitors and hand out “Annapolis Loves Its Visitors” stickers at the 26 West Street Visitors Center at 11:00 a.m. Visitors and residents are invited to stop by to talk with the Mayor and enjoy light refreshments. VAAAC is encouraging visitors and residents to stop by its 26 West Street Visitors Center between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. throughout the week to pick up an “Annapolis Loves Its Visitors” sticker. At the same time, they’ll receive a list of businesses that will be offering specials and/or discounts to individuals sporting a sticker.

About Visit Annapolis and Anne Arundel County: VAAAC is a nonprofit, membership-based destination marketing organization that generates revenues for the local economy by promoting Annapolis and Anne Arundel County to leisure and business travelers across the country and around the world.

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